Guyssssssss we are so close to finishing this wacky semester!!! Time does not seem real and I don’t even know how it’s already November, but we have basically made it to almost December already! I feel like by the end of the fall semester, it is time for the year to end…

I was looking at the academic calendar located on the CCBC website that the last day for classes this fall 2020 semester is December 13, which falls on a Sunday. The week of the 14th will be followed by finals and then WINTER BREAK!!! This winter break will not be the same because you know who is still here and thriving…

All I can possibly advise you guys for these last 4-5 weeks is finish off strong. We have so much more downtime because we can’t be out, so I feel like studying isn’t that hard these days. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I’m like let me treat myself to like 5mins of tiktok, and then it turns into 45-60mins of tiktok because it just sounds better than studying ahahaha. But I am really excited for this semester to end it’s like having something to look forward to and I can’t wait.

Also, something that I have found very helpful to do when I’m really confused on a topic for a class is searching up YouTube videos relating to the topic. Even though sometimes it isn’t the same exact information it still helps me understand to an extent, especially nowadays with online lectures I feel a little weird asking questions on zoom… idk why… It’s way too much attention on me. I can’t be the only one, I’ve asked my friends and they feel the same. Me personally, I don’t want to sound idk lost it’s just a weird format of learning. It’s very personal and I just don’t know. Or also, I’ve been finding myself googling phrases like “overly simplified …..” and type in the topic I’m confused on.  It’s been helping me a lot. I feel like if you’re struggling on how to study, to me these overly simplified guidelines are the key to studying. BUT PLEASE, still review your own lecture/lab topics and visit office hours via zoom and if that’s too intimate/awkward/ or your anxiety just can’t take it, email your professor! I feel like emailing can definitely be helpful.

Good luck on these last few weeks we have and godspeed.