For some reason in the fall semester the thought of winter break sounded so long and just so needed. Welp, for starters winter break is about like 6 weeks long, which compared to high school is way more but still not enough time! Time flies and the next thing you know, you’re in bed realizing that you need to go buy some new notebooks and get your needed books for classes before Monday comes around.  But ya know the start of a new semester is always exciting because of student campus events and in the grand scheme of things, getting some classes done and out of the way  

This past winter break I spent it working and just relaxing at home. It was well needed and no complains other than some of the terrible body aches I got for working some days. Some workdays were easy but there were days I’d be baking in the kitchen and that’s when you realize that you need to finish your degree to not have to do so much vigorous work for some dollars. Don’t get me wrong a job is a job, but heavy labor jobs are super under appreciated. I feel like that as humans we never take the time to think about how one product/item gets made and gets to your house. I mean if its made by a machine it’s like whatever, but when things are handmade those hands making those things hurt hahahahahahahahahahaha ( I literally made +1,200 hand-cut, hand rolled, thin sugar cookies one day). Moral of the story is that as humans we should be thankful for those working hands, because who doesn’t enjoy handmade things?   

Being home is a classic for me. No better place like home, when i’m away too long I get homesick so spending days cooped up inside is all my soul needs sometimes. May that be getting my room cleaned, baking for fun, or simple laying around and sitting on my phone.  

Well, I hope this semester treats all of y’all good! Last spring semester was really rough on me butttt I got it over with and just kept things pushing. No joke, terrible last spring semester19’.  I had emotions I had never experienced and my studying skills were still trynna get up and running. Cry, scream, do some breathing exercises, BUT the best remedy is always hugging someone you truly care for. They’ll understand your struggle and give you love (or as I like to call it FREE ENERGY). I know someone out there may experience this for the first time, or second time and it is honestly part of life hahaha. But to avoid such nasty feelings just study and things will turn out bright on blackboard. Yes… even if you don’t like or understand your teachers teaching style TAKE THE TIME and just self-teach yourself at home because yes, your grade does matter if you’re trying to pass which we all are.  

 Also in a completely different note, this winter temps have not been feeling super “wintery” ummmmm it’s not like I enjoy freezing weather but #whatsgoingon????????????

SO IT GOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!