Hello friends!


I hope you had a fantastic break that was both restful and productive. Springtime is approaching which means a fresh start. I’ve always loved the spring, the flowers, the sunshine, the freshness of it all. The first week of the spring 2021 semester came crashing in with a bang. I thought I would ease my way into it but so far my online classes have been eventful.


With the start of the new year, I’ve decided to create a bucket list of things I want to do by the end of year. This is still a growing list and I’m hoping to start with one thing for every month so that hopefully by the end of the year, I can see how well or how poorly I’ve done.


Bucket list:


  • Learn to roller skate


  • Exercise and eat more healthily


  • Be more mindful and aware of how I’m feeling and take the time to acknowledge my feelings instead of just brushing them away.


  • Make more of an effort to communicate with those around me and strengthen existing relationships.


  • Start playing the piano again


  • Be more spontaneous


I guess this could be my version of a New Years resolution. Do you have a bucket list or do you make yearly resolutions?


I’m looking forward to writing during this semester. It’s good to be back! See you next week.