One of the lessons I learned in my first Behavioral Health Counseling class was self-care plan. My professor made every student in the class create a very individualized self-care plan. Three years later, I’m still following this plan.

Taking the time to sit down to think about the things you like and enjoy doing, then organize them into a detailed plan is what I did in that HUSC class. The plan was divided into four categories:

Psychological Care

Physical Care

Care at Work

Family and Social Care

In every category I have at least one way to take care of myself. Choosing the helping profession as my future career comes with a responsibility toward  myself and my wellbeing. To avoid burnout, which is a possibility in any field, I need a self-care plan ready at all times.

I know you might think when you hear the word plan that’s it needs to be complicated or fancy. I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t. Don’t underestimate the little things you do to take care of yourself. Whether it’s eating comfort food, reading a book, binge watching, walking around the block, taking 10 minutes break from work to walk outside in the sun, working out, going on a trip, watching the sunrise, meditation, or anything that is unique to you, they all count as long as they bring you comfort and help you release you everyday stress.

I like to share some of the ways I take care of myself with you today. These are skills that I develop over the years, and I keep changing and improving them. I take care of myself on a daily basis. In the morning and after I pray, I meditate. I don’t start my day without this special time I dedicate to my mental health even if it’s only ten minutes. I practice yoga at least three days a week. I spend quality time with my family everyday even if it’s only during dinner time. I take fifteen minutes break during work to walk outside. When the weather is warm, I watch the sunrise everyday at the farmland behind my house. If the weather is cold, I watch the sunrise from my bedroom’s window. In the summer, I go to the beach at least three times before summer break is over. We are blessed that we live in a state with easy access to the water and nature.

I have added biking and kayaking to this self-care list this year. What are some self-care practices do you have?

Here are some pictures of my last trip to the beach.





I hope you enjoyed these pictures from Rehoboth Beach

Until next time my friends
