Last week I was invited to a virtual event hosted by Women in Philanthropy at CCBC. In the midst of preparing for the end of Fall semester and finals, CCBC invites us to just slow down, relax and have a cup of tea. Emma Canoles, the guest speaker, showed us what a proper British tea experience looks like. She took us back in history to explore how tea was discovered. Then she helped us connect back to nature and to the earth, where all kinds of herbs that are used for making all kinds of delicious soothing tea. Emma is the co-owner of Emma’s Tea Spot in Baltimore City. She provided us with cute little goodie bags that have sample bag of tea, honey, and cookies. I can’t wait to visit Emma’s Tea Spot one day to experience her cute small business.

I was touched by Emma’s presentation. The way she talked about the earth and nature touched my heart. I’m so close to nature and I spend most of my time enjoying the beautiful nature around me. Whether watching sunrise or grounding myself with earth, I make sure that I have time for myself to enjoy and soak it in. Emma said something that resonated with me. She said ”  Your local produce have the same elements as you. The apple from your local farm has the same sun that shines on you, the same air you breath, and the same water you drink.”                  I always like to support our local farms, but I never thought about this beautiful and profound meaning shared by Emma.




I like to thank the Women in Philanthropy at CCBC for such a beautiful sweet event. This program helps so many students by raising money for scholarships that benefit students at CCBC. Thirty students have received scholarships totaling $22375 since the establishment of the Women in Philanthropy Endowed Scholarship in 2015. As a student at CCBC, thank you from my heart. You make it possible for students to stay on track for graduation and achieving their future career goals.

I like to share my favorite beverage recipe with you. This is my absolute childhood favorite. When I drink it, it brings me comfort and I feel like I’m a child again. I used to treat myself after finishing my homework when I was a child with this drink. With some cookies or biscuits, you guys are going to love this drink

My favorite drink is called Shi wa haleeb  شاي وحليب ( tea and milk). It’s from Palestine


Black tea ( loose or tea bags)



Powder milk or liquid milk


Brew the black tea with the sage first on the stove. After it has the color you desire, turn it off. Add the mint and cover it and let it sit for five minutes. Pour it in your favorite tea cup and add the milk. Dip your cookie or biscuit and honey.


Until next time my friends
