Hello friends and happy Friday!


As I look outside at this not so sunny afternoon, I am reminded about the importance of self care because I am officially burned out. At this point, I am basically running on 5% and slowly crawling my way to the end of the semester.


Then, as if as some kind of encouragement, I see a sign on my door that tells me to perform random acts of kindness for people throughout the day.


This sign reminded me to not only be kind to those around me but to myself. Take a break today, go grab a warm drink and turn on your favourite comfort movie. Take care of you today.


If you’re interested in what the sign says:


Smile at a stranger

Call a friend

Put positive sticky notes in random spots around town

Buy someone’s drink

Send anonymous flowers

Spare coins to a charity

Bake cookies for a neighbor

Give a stranger a compliment

Give another driver your parking spot


I hope you are being kind to yourself and to those around you. Cheer up we only have 1 month left.


See you next week!