Hidden Prey by John Sandford
The book I’m currently reading. I’ve had this one on the shelf for a long time and I finally decided to pick it up. So far so good. It is a murder-mystery Lucas Davenport Novel. I have heard many good things about the author and so I am looking forward to finishing this one and moving on to the next.
Neon Prey by John Sandford
The next is another Lucas Davenport Novel by the same author. I don’t know what it is about but it apparently follows the same man (Lucas Davenport) as he investigates murders. If it is anything like the first one, then I am looking forward to it.
The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin
This is a fantasy book that I am really looking forward to reading, it was recommended by my brother-in-law. The author is a black woman in a predominantly white male heavy industry. She received the top prize for every book in her series and I as a fantasy fan, am really looking forward to reading it.
The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry
To be honest, I was not going to include this one but I have been reading it so I guess it makes the list. It is the only book in a really long time that I’ve struggled to finish. It definitely is not for everyone but it does tell an interesting story. I am going to pick it up again and I look forward to finishing it.
Leaving the World by Douglas Kennedy
I finished this book in January and it was great. I highly recommend it. It is a beautiful story that is at times quite heartbreaking but such a good read. I will say nothing more so as not to spoil it but I really did enjoy this one.