Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? I am and in between all my deadlines and procrastination I’ve been on social media a lot, specifically twitter these past couple of days and a topic I saw trending for a few of those days was #zoomburnout. I realized that people and students everywhere were going through and feeling the same things I was. I never thought that I would say this but I actually miss waking up at 6 am and catching the bus. I miss my routine and while professors and students are all trying their best, I think that #zoomburnout is definitely a thing.

If you would like something else to do that would be a great way of still feeling connected to the CCBC community then I would like to invite you to student life’s zoom meetings called ‘Hot Topic’ every Monday at 2:30 pm and Thursday at 3:00 pm. So watch out for those through text messages and email. This is a great opportunity to talk to other students and student life faculty about mental health, your virtual learning experiences, and so much more.

Another thing regarding student life the opportunity to apply to become a part of student life at CCBC.

What is Student Life? We are the student leadership. We are the Ambassadors you see assisting at all the events. We are the First-Year Experience Mentors who help new students in their transition into college life. We are the Student Government who advocate for you on policies and regulations on campus. If you are interested in finding out more about these programs, attached is the contact information of all the coordinators as well as more information regarding each program and an application form.

I hope you are staying sane during this time. Stay home, stay safe and see I’ll (talk) blog to you agin next week.