“There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, and hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium, and nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,….” If you too are a Nursing major and staring at the periodic table and wondering where it all went wrong. Fear not for I am here.
As I mentioned, I am a nursing major about to finish my pre-reqs AKA taking three science classes this semester. So I decided to take a music class because why not. I’ve always been pretty good at Science and Math, however, my real interest has always been on music. When I was in primary school I learnt to play the clarinet, I played in the band and choir and even in competitions and other schools, sadly though I stopped playing and eventually lost the skills and now my clarinet sits in a dusty corner of my room. I then moved onto guitar but that didn’t last very long because I moved to another continent and began home schooling.
Then one day, out of curiosity, I decided to look at music classes at CCBC and I found Music 130 Applied Piano 1. As I write this, it is only the second week of classes but so far this is my favorite class. I am surrounded by music majors who all talk in their unfamiliar jargon that once upon a time I used to understand. I am confused and I am excited.
Moral of the story is sometimes your major or life in general can be overwhelming so don’t be afraid to switch it up and do something that’s out of the norm. So here I am taking three sciences and one music class and happy as can be as we begin the new year.
P.s if you aren’t a music major but have an appreciation for the arts, every Friday from 12:20 – 1:15 pm in the AHUM building recital hall (opposite Room 124) there are guest performances. Come, tell a friend, bring a friend, sit back and relax.
I decided to look at music classes at CCBC and I found Music 130 Applied Piano 1. As I write this, it is only the second week of classes but so far this is my favorite class. I am surrounded by music majors who all talk in their unfamiliar jargon that once upon a time I used to understand. I am confused and I am excited.