This year we have definitely seen a spike in the cost of living go up. Although inflation is inevitable it can still take a toll on us having to worry about paying more for our living expenses. The infortune story behind inflation is that some people will have to resort to changing their eating habits to make ends meet. This may mean buying frozen dinners, settling for dollar menu options at restaurants, or simple neglecting some meals. All these options are detrimental to your health if you continue to go down that path. We must make an effort to take care of ourselves and loved ones when it comes to eating. Food is literal energy fuel that keeps us going throughout the day. It gives us the energy to perform better at school and takes away the fogginess when you’re on an empty stomach.
I am not sure if you guys have heard about the Hungry Harvest community market or know what it is.
Essentially the Hungry Harvest provides CCBC students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community freshly grown produce for a reduce rate. This includes both vegetables and fruit. This is amazing because they our exposing our community to healthier eating habits at a reduce rate.
The Hungry Harvest is taking place from now until Thanksgiving.
These are the future dates for Hungry Harvest
- Wed, Sept 28 Hungry Harvest
Catonsville 11:00-1:00
Dundalk 11:00-1:00
- Thurs, Sept 29 Hungry Harvest
Essex 11:00-1:00
- Wed, Oct 5 Hungry Harvest
Catonsville 11:00-1:00
Dundalk 11:00-1:00
- Thurs, Oct 6 Hungry Harvest
Essex 11:00-1:00
- Wed, Oct 12 Hungry Harvest
Catonsville 11:00-1:00
Dundalk 11:00-1:00
- Thus, Oct 13 Hungry Harvest
Essex 11:00-1:00
- Wed, Oct 19 Hungry Harvest
Catonsville 11:00-1:00
Dundalk 11:00-1:00
- Thurs, Oct 20 Hungry Harvest
Essex 11:00-1:00
- Wed, Oct 26 Hungry Harvest
Catonsville 11:00-1:00
Dundalk 11:00-1:00
- Thurs, Oct 27 Hungry Harvest
Essex 11:00-1:00
The Location Pick up
Essex = In the Quad or Romdka Building room 123 (Depends on weather)
Catonsville = Student Services Building
Dundalk = Quad or 1st floor, College Community Ctr. (Depends on weather)
Payment Options
Credit card, debit card, or cash are accepted.
I hope the Hungry Harvest is beneficial to you guys and that you’re able to take advantage of it. We should never restore ourselves to bad eating habits, we should try to look for other ways to try to stay healthy somehow. I know that economically buying 1 or 4 vegetables compared to buying 2 cheap frozen pizzas doesn’t equate to having the same quantity of food. But in the long run, going through a continuous path of bad eating habits will cost you pricier medical bills and health complications. Just some food for your thoughts