Award-Winning Filmmaker and Podcaster Speaks at CCBC
Abagail McKnight David Ridgen, an award-winning Canadian writer, producer, and host of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC) true crime podcast series Someone Knows Something, spoke ... -
Baltimore Ravens Mid-Season Report
Ben Hall Heading into the 2020 NFL season, many Ravens fans thought there was a legitimate chance the team could improve their 14-2 record from ... -
How are Small Businesses Surviving the Pandemic?
Bailie Grace Sam Hebron, a Peace a Pizza employee walked into work to an empty restaurant. Usually there are customers enjoying their lunch, but times ... -
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Conference Turns Lemons into Lemonade
Tyneisha Lewis “It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ... -
The NCAA Should Allow Athletes to Play this Season
Articles reflect the views of the author and/or those quoted and do not necessarily represent the views of CCBC or The CCBC Connection. Bailie Grace ... -
CCBC Transitions to Virtual learning
Nina Branwell Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, there were many questions regarding the school system and whether students should return to in-person classes. CCBC answered ... -
Are college sports actually safe right now?
Articles represent the views of the author and/or those quoted and do not necessarily represent the views of CCBC or The CCBC Connection. Ben Hall ... -
CCBC Students Adapt to the Fall Semester
Bailie Grace As Anna Holt, a Nursing major, begins to prepare for her morning classes, instead of worrying about being late due to traffic or ... -
Video Games & Cooking
An Interview With the Creator of "Pixelated Provisions." Tyneisha Lewis 2020 has seen the rise of all types of trends including Instagram food trends, Tik ... -
An End to Conquest Worship
Image Source: http://www.startupchampions.co/blog/2019/10/14/celebrating-indigenous-peoples-day-in-your-ecosystem Julie A. Baker Articles reflect the views of the author and/or those quoted and do not necessarily represent the views of CCBC ...