Tyneisha Lewis
The Community Produce Market offers low-priced vegetables and fruits to faculty and students on the lower level of the Library on the CCBC Catonsville

Infographic by Mass Media student, Muhammad Ahmad.
Representatives of Hungry Harvest provide forms to allow customers to make their selections of the weekly produce which costs between $1 to $3.
4 bananas, 1.5 pounds of sweet potatoes, 2 navel oranges, and 4 limes are examples of the $1 items. Examples of $2 items are 2 pounds of strawberries, 2 jumbo broccoli crowns, 16 ounces of Vanilla Upbeet Kombucha, and 6 ounces of sliced Portobello mushrooms. 2 pounds of organic green grapes is an example of an item that may cost $3.
“There’s other things we’ll sell out of right away," said Director of College and Community Outreach Services, Heather Griner. "Pineapples are a big seller, grapes are a big seller. People come and buy three or four bags of grapes.”
The order form asks for the customer’s name, payment method, and includes a check-off list to designate the selection of produce items for $1, $2, and $3 along with how much of each item they wish to purchase.
Customers also have the option to buy tote bags. There are two choices: a blue CCBC Student Life tote bag for $1 and an orange tote bag for $2.
The produce items at the market are different every week. The market accepts credit cards, debit cards, SNAP benefits, and cash as payment for produce.
“Hungry Harvest is discounting produce for CCBC students, faculty, staff, and community,” said Administrative Support Assistant, Alexis Hance. “Produce... is available during the spring and fall semesters and Hungry Harvest also helps to fight against food waste and food security.”
The Community Produce Market opens every week on the CCBC Dundalk, Essex, and Catonsville campuses.
The market on the CCBC Dundalk campus is held on Tuesdays at the College Community Center Bookstore Lobby or The Outside Quad. On Wednesdays at the CCBC Essex campus, the market is held in The Robert and Eleanor Romadka College Center, Room 123 or in The Administration Building Courtyard.
For the CCBC Catonsville campus, the Produce Market opens Thursdays on the Library lower level. All markets held on the CCBC campuses are open from 12-1 p.m.
“I think it’s great and convenient. I think it’s convenient for students and faculty who can get fresh produce and for people who may not know about Hungry Harvest,” said CCBC student Patrick Poncland, an engineering major.
For anyone interested in volunteering for the produce market you can add your name and email address to the volunteer sign-up sheet available at each market. Volunteers are emailed the sign up genus links to choose the dates and time they wish to volunteer. They can also contact Ms. Alexis Hance at 443-840-4092 or at Ahance@ccbcmd.edu.
People interested in learning more about Hungry Harvest and the Community Produce Market can visit these websites: produceinasnap.com and hungryharvest.net.
Campus Food Access Podcast Update by Mass Media Student, Kai Rundquist.
This is great and necessary for not only students but faculty as well, I love when I first seen Hungry Harvest around campus it made me feel excited to see another way CCBC was taking care of their community.
This is amazing, especially the acceptance of SNAP as a form of payment, because 2lbs of grapes and 2lbs of strawberries cost more at kroger. It’s nice to see people go out of their way to give convenience and cheap essential food items for others