Nelson E. Brown

Student Contributor

I’m not the normal 20 year-old. I have landed a position at the Maryland Department of the Environment at only 17 years old. I have expanded a writing and self-publishing business and attend school here at CCBC-Catonsville all while completing training as a Small Groups Facilitator with a team of ministers. Most importantly, I have written, self-published, and released a full-length book entitled, The Beauty in Us: Our Reality,” the first book in a future book series.

We live in a world where people have a tendency to believe that IMAGE IS EVERYTHING. The first book in this book series that has been written is about a young man of color who is using gender, age, and nationality to discuss personal struggles with colorism, self-image, and self-acceptance.

We always discuss controversial topics regarding body image and acceptance, but often it is heard from a female’s point of view. Do you hear any males speaking out about their struggles with their body image and self-esteem? I’ve been embarking on a journey to help boys, girls, men, and women around the world discover who they are and how beautiful they are.

In this book, I’m able to give myself permission to be vulnerable and even emotionally honest about how I feel. I’m speaking on behalf of all the men and young boys in communities around the world who are afraid to. I’m also willing to show women and young girls how males carry their insecurities with them every day and how they suppress them in the public eye.

As I continue to grow, I will continue to pursue a career in environmental science at the Maryland Department of the Environment, but I am now pursuing a career in ministry, counseling, and philanthropy. I want to promote the positive aspects of topics related to colorism, beauty, body image, and self-acceptance to children, teens, and young adults through my books and artwork.

Although female beauty standards are made very clear and expressed through all types of media and even though society addresses those standards publicly; we don't typically address the male perception on the beauty standards males are put up against. Males don't typically talk about weaknesses or problems they face because they see it as a sign of weakness. My weight-loss story from high school and experience with these controversial topics are spoken from a male’s perspective instead of a female’s perspective.

This book series entitled, The Beauty in Us,” is for children, teens, and young adults. The first event I’m hosting for my brand and business that’s sponsored by the Project Spark Success Team is entitled,The Beauty in Us Panel.” The event gives the participants insight on how to navigate their way through the world of business with a diverse and inclusive group of people in the field of arts and entertainment.

To obtain a copy of the book or contact the author see information below:



Linkedin-Nelson Brown

Facebook-Nelson Brown


  1. Juliana Plugues 9 May, 2019 at 14:33 Reply

    As someone who works with teenagers, I appreciate the boldness to reflect on the male’s perspective and experience. Whenever group discussions with teenagers arise, I intentionally include space for the younger men to respond to the vocalized issues presented by young women. It’s not surprising that the male perspective and experience often reflects similar themes presented by the females in the group. This is especially true when it comes to the topic of self-image! Great piece and good luck on your book adventures!

  2. Jordan Johnson 10 May, 2019 at 10:35 Reply

    I think this is really interesting. It is amazing to see the talent that we have here at CCBC. The fact that he was able to write a book while working a full time job and in college is amazing in itself. I also just admire the perception that he has on life in general .

  3. Eric Cox 10 May, 2019 at 10:44 Reply

    Getting his book published is outstanding at such a young age. The topic of the book, how it discusses, boys and men’s insecurities is area not often seen today. As the article stated, men carry themselves daily, while suppressing their trauma and emotions to point where there’s seemingly no outlet. In recent memory I can’t think of one media format, online, radio, television, movies, or social media, where male self-acceptance and conscious is openly discussed. This book is certainly innovative and I believe it caters to a market often overlooked.

  4. Iga Perka 12 May, 2019 at 11:49 Reply

    It’s great that you decided to address topics that are not publicly addressed a lot. I agree with you, that we have certain beauty standards for women, that are pushed by media. It creates a lot of unhealthy pressure for women to change their appearance and who they are, and act like someone they are not.
    Nevertheless, there is a certain pressure on men to behave and look a certain way, but we don’t talk about it that much. I think it’s more centered around males behavior, life goals, etc. whereas for women it purely looks.
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Devon Dexter Denton JR 12 May, 2019 at 23:01 Reply

    This little story about someone publishing their first book is amazing. I think speaking on issues that some men and boys are afraid share; is eye opening. While reading this, I was ready to read the book, and many more that’s coming in the series. I agree with everything Nelson was saying, that everyone needs to know how beautiful they are. Boys and men do have to put up this wall of being strong all the time, and not allow any emotion to show, because that’ll consider weak, and not allowed. I think showing emotion and being honest is the best thing a person can do, either if boy, girl, man, or women. This little news story was good, and congratulations on your first publish book, Nelson.

  6. Lucy Ren 13 May, 2019 at 01:27 Reply

    This is so cool that someone could make a huge impact at such a young age. Not only is he working at the amazing Department of Environment since 17, he published a book that touches on a lot of sensitive topics that we young people deal with nowadays. It’s amazing to see him advocate for boys’ feelings on touchy subjects because they usually do not speak up about it. He will go very far in life, best of luck!L

  7. Ashley 12 July, 2019 at 23:04 Reply

    I think the authors idea to write a book about image from a male perspective is unique and necessary in todays society. Self-love and body image is recently preached from women today, I think it is important for boys and men to have that as well. The author is also so successful at such a young age and hopefully he can continue on this path. Many young adults would envy this level of success.

  8. alexis 8 December, 2019 at 21:54 Reply

    I like how this book is talking about image from a male perspective. I would like to hear more from men and image issues they may have and how they would like to deal with them. Image not just something women go through its something that is universal for people in general. Also this author is quite successful at a young age is something that should go unnoticed as well.

  9. Sarah 22 January, 2020 at 21:14 Reply

    Congratulations on the release of your book. I admire your ability to share something so personal. As a female I know the trials I go though with Body image issues. I look forward to reading to see if we are more alike than different. Once again congratulations!