I can’t imagine my college experience without the Honors Program.

The Honors Program is where my higher education journey started to be more meaningful. From the moment I stepped foot into the Essex Honors office with hesitations and self-doubts, they were and still are my supporting family at CCBC. Essex Honors will always have a special place in my heart.

I wanted to learn more about the Honors Program, so I went there to speak with the Emeritus Director of the Honors program, Dr. Rae Rosenthal. I didn’t have an appointment I just went there. Dr. Rae was having her lunch, but she insisted on meeting with me. I entered her office with hesitation and self-doubt and I left with determination and self-confidence. This meeting was the first step into my self improvement and discovery through the many involvement opportunities that came my way. Dr. Rae became my first mentor in the Honors Program. She was always there to support me every step of the way. Dr. Rae, if you are reading this thank you so much from my heart for always being there for me and all of the students.


The Honors Lounge is where I made new friends and learned about all the resources CCBC has to offer for students. The best part about spending time in the Honors Lounge is listening to students talking about their involvement at CCBC. I would always ask about the different programs and clubs on campus and how to join them. Through these programs, I improved my leadership skills and overcame my public speaking fear. Lots of good conversations there.

When I needed help with proofreading my essays, the Honors Program is always there to help. Professor Amy Wilson, the Honors Program Director on the Essex campus, helped me improved my essay. I entered her office with a disorganized essay and I left with a plan to make this essay well organized and shining.

Since that day, I became more confident about my writing skills and they have improved. Few years later, I’m writing this blog for everyone to read. Professor Amy, if you are reading this thank you from my heart for your help and support.

The Honors Program is like the gift that keeps on giving. As an honor student, you get assigned a mentor from your major to help you pick the right classes and to provide you with all the resources you can get to excel in your major. You get to meet representatives from different universities to gather as much information as you can get about the university you want to transfer to so you can make a very informed decision. The Honors Program has a very dedicated transfer advisor who can help you every step of the way until you transfer to your dream university. You can’t help but fall in love with this amazing program!



I encourage everyone to apply to the Honors Program and to join this supporting community. One day, you will be writing about your experience with the Honors Program.

If you would like to join email your local honors program office on your main campus.

Catonsville Honors – catonsvillehonors@ccbcmd.edu
Dundalk Honors – dundalkhonors@ccbcmd.edu
Essex Honors – essexhonors@ccbcmd.edu

Until next time my friends,
