I just wanted to start this post with a big thank you to the CCBC community for the warm welcome. I’m so excited to continue posting more blogs and reading your feedback. The big highlight of my first week as CCBC student blogger is a comment I got from one of our CCBC students. This student is a mother of three children who gave up on her education due to financial difficulties. Reading my story inspired her to go back to CCBC and finish her education. Her comment inspired me to keep going and keep going strong.
I’m still struggling with accepting that this is our new norm now. Taking classes from a distance, virtual learning, virtual events, virtual meetings, and my bedroom becoming my classroom. I miss the busy campus, professors teaching in “real” classrooms, running from class to class, busy and festive events on campus, long shuttle rides to Catonsville campus, and I miss my friends. COVID was like a reset button that turned my life upside down. To keep going through all of this, I had to choose between surviving or thriving. I chose to thrive. I chose to thrive by spreading positivity and hope in the hearts of my loved ones, my family members, co-workers, and friends. I chose to thrive by keeping my routine of meditation and yoga every single morning. I chose to thrive by enrolling in an extra extensive online class in Functional Medicine Nutrition, which will allow me to become a holistic healing practitioner. That’s something I have been passionate about, but never thought to pursue academically. Now with my classes being completely online and my flexible work schedule, I can pursue my passion and help people make food and lifestyle modifications to take control of their health.
Do you want to know who also chose to thrive? The CCBC community of administration, faculty, and staff. They all chose to thrive when they decided to open the college and be there for students who needed to be on campus. They chose to thrive when they worked so hard behind the scenes as a team preparing the campus for the safety of everyone and the efficiency of students’ services. They chose to thrive when they launched the Tuition Free Initiative to help students who were affected by COVID , but still needed to continue their higher education journey. So many students are grateful for the CCBC community and all the help they offer to help students succeed and finish strong.
Now let me ask you, do you choose to survive or thrive? You can choose to thrive by being kind to yourself and accept yourself with all the mistakes and all the short comings. Then be patient with yourself if you started with survive. Eventually you will thrive I promise you it starts with little steps and big hope.
Until next time my friends
I needed this!!!! Thank you for the reminder. I can’t wait for the day when I can see you back in person!!!!!
I can’t wait to see you back in person too. Thank you for your comment it means a lot to me
Best wishes,
So needed this too! Thank you, Rama, for being a shining star

Lynn, thank you for your kind words
Best wishes