Did you know that the first recorded New Years resolutions was practiced by ancient Babylonians 4000 years ago?
I mentioned in an earlier blog post about my love of reading. I come from a family of avid readers. I spent my childhood surrounded by books and watching, particularly my dad, reading a lot, this has become a habit that has stuck with me all the way till now. Recently I’ve noticed that majority of my reading is done from my phone and late last year I decided that I wanted to start to go back to reading hard cover books.
I think that the reason most people give up on their resolutions is because it is difficult to start a brand new habit with very little foreknowledge or experience with it and expect it to be a permanent change in your life. For this reason, I thought I should focus my resolution on something that I can improve rather than something I can start. My resolution for this year is to read at least six physical hard back books.
Another interesting thing that I’ve decided to adopt as my own this year is the idea of a ‘word of the year.’ I thought about what I would like to focus on this year and chose perseverance because as I am moving further along into my major I have realized that a great amount of dedication, time, and perseverance has been keeping me afloat.
Do you believe that new year resolutions can work and become a permanent habit. If so, what is your resolution this year?
Do you have a word of the year?