*This is honestly simple stuff that made me facepalm myself that I wish I would’ve known. This is NOT in any shape or form telling you how to apply or anything, it’s just simple tips*
But first, storytime:
Twas a confusing nerve-racking fall semester of 2020. Covid-19 was thriving and the campus was about 90% programmed to be virtual for everyone’s safety. And little old me, as a first-time college student at CCBC for School of Health Professions had no idea what I was doing. I was clueless, and it made me feel weak … I started my application and every step of it I wondered if I was doing it correctly and just a bunch of anxiety. The personal information, supporting information, and program material quadrants were the simplest to complete. BUT, when it came down to the academic history quadrant I was blissfully confused, to say the least. I asked my friends for help (which didn’t really help) but I don’t know, I guess knowing myself I overthink every little last bit and it’s definitely a downfall of mine. I was trying to do everything carefully but at the same time I ended up overlooking so many helpful tools that you can literally find within the website. The first problem I encountered was the transcript portion on Simon. I just simply took too long to complete all the questions being asked, it took my payment, BUT IT DIDN’T PROCESS IT for some strange reason. I contacted my bank, got my money back, and of course the second time it worked. My other problem was with filling out the transcript/classes manually on the SHP web page. I started filling it out and I stumbled upon filling my ACDV101 class and frantically freaked out because I didn’t know what category I should put it in and ended up paying like $60 to get them professionally put it (I regretted paying afterwards because silly ole me, overlooked the helpful YouTube videos they provide). Silly me, I should have paid attention… But have no fear, learn from my mistakes and learn a thing or two.
Now some simple helpful tips;
1.) Read, its common sense but if you’re anything like me, look at it closely. Read everything carefully.
2.) Watch the YouTube videos they have so kindly provided. I made the mistake of watching them after I had paid but I really wish I would’ve been more careful and have watched the helpful videos they provided.
3.) Don’t be afraid to call CCBC’s general phone number 443-840-2222. They’ll transfer you over to the correct people you need to communicate to ask your questions.
4.) Not a talkative person over the phone? Well, SHP has an email you can communicate with them if you have any questions. I emailed them and they were super helpful. The email is shpseat@ccbcmd.edu .
5.) When getting your official transcripts try to be as speedy as possible so nothing wacky happens.
6.) Each SHP program has admissions packets you can find via the CCBC website by searching up your SHP program.
7.) Find out when the application goes live so you can start working on it as soon as possible. Also, try to submit the application before the deadline so you don’t forget.
8.) Be patient. I was so worried because I had submitted my application and wasn’t hearing anything back. But patience is key!
Overall, it’s a pretty straightforward process. It’s just knowing when to ask for help and submitting everything carefully. To the people applying to their program this semester, best of luck!!!!!