
  Being creative is not just about making something extraordinary but think about your relationship with money, possessions and the other materialistic things that you own. Try to figure out why and how you obtained these things. How do they help you in your daily life?

             What if you start documenting your creative ideas and instead of typing them down start placing your ideas in a physical journal. It can be anything from a drawing, short stories or poetry. Basically what your heart and mind feels at the time. It doesn’t have to be restricted to a particular time as well. You might wake up in the middle of the night and have an inspirational thought and while looking for something to jot it down, might lose the whole plot. So, yes, keep that journal next to you. Even if it’s a mere line or two, jot it down.

           You don’t have to publish it, but someday while rummaging through your things, you will come across this journal and wonder, “did I really write all this?” Maybe, just maybe, that’s what you need to read, to start a new life, a new chapter or just inspiration towards your creativity. With this, sharing a quote I found online:

“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.” –Jack London

So when will you start your journal, for don’t forget, your words are a reflection of your inner self.