Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude

How many of you are looking forward to a few days off next week. Thanksgiving is nearly here and we have so much to thank for in our daily lives. I don’t know about you, but I am surely guilty at times for complaining about things and than suddenly catch myself thinking, I should be grateful for all that I have and been given.

We spend so much of our time focusing on what we don’t have as compared to all the blessings that surround us all the time.

Attitude of gratitude

Look carefully around you, for each moment of our life is a gift and we can thankful attitude and live each moment with a smile. This month, go a step further and be a reason for someone else to be happy. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive or large, just a smile or lending an ear to someone can mean the world to that person.

Last blog I had mentioned about our trip to Detroit where we were involved in community service by collaborating with a local organization who help out the homeless, single women and children, veterans by providing them shelter, training them to get a job and even creating jobs in their own factories. Building tiny homes for people to call their own at some point. There’s so much to write and not much space.

I will elaborate about the trip in my future blogs, till then enjoy the coming weeks and be thankful for all you have, and you will end up having more……