Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….
Take a break …….

Little things are standing out today. Sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses, which can make life pretty boring. There is so much out there waiting to be held. Maybe it is time to make some plans surrounding the outdoors. Go see beautiful wildlife, go to the beach, or even go to some beautiful botanical garden. Sometimes we need to remember that life can be beautiful.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. – Henry Ford

That being said, in the beginning of fall semester I had mentioned about an alternative summer break taken by a group of us, arranged by CCBC, we drove down to Detroit, Michigan and by the end of the trip, eight strangers became family. We started off with short meetings and fundraisers for the trip, hardly spoke, except about the arrangements and all, while the questions in everyone’s’ mind, “How will we do it? Will we all get along?” and many more doubts in our minds.

Even though we started off real early, 07:30 am, to be precise, first day on the road and we hit it off really well. It was one adventurous trip that none of us will ever forget. Together, we sang as loud as we could, danced like no ones watching, cried, hugged and teased each other, helped out in every activity. It was as if we had known one another forever.

Details of the trip will be in later blogs, as we spent eight wonderful days volunteering for a cause, celebrated each day and also had our fun outings. Next few blogs will be with pictures for all to see and hopefully it will inspire many of you to take the next alternate spring break trip, for wherever it takes you, for sure it will be an adventure to remember.

It’s on thing to help one another, but totally another experience going out of your comfort zone and staying amidst strangers and seeing life through their eyes. That’s when you will realize how fortunate and privileged you are. I for one, stopped taking a lot of things for granted and in reality enjoy every little thing, occasion that’s presented to me.

Till than, enjoy a few pictures and ohh yesss…stay nice and warm…winter is here 😊