in Business, Community, Events, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students

The making of a “promise”

Some of us returned from spring break to the delightful task of hosting a visit from Dr. Martha Kanter, Director of the National College Promise Campaign.  After our County Executive announced his proposal to fund the Baltimore County College Promise Program, Dr. Kanter proposed a visit to CCBC to give our Promise initiative national visibility as part of the celebration…

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in Community, Inspiration

Holiday greetings: A brilliant year of celebrations come to a close

Throughout 2017 we have celebrated CCBC’s Diamond Anniversary, reflecting on the “brilliance” that has defined the college’s impact on hundreds of thousands of students over the past 60 years. I hope you had the chance to participate in one of the many CCBC events commemorating this notable milestone in our history. Over the past 12 months, CCBC has touched thousands…

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in Community, Students

When “just say no” is not enough

Our state has joined the national conversation around an opioid epidemic that has deadly implications to our communities and region. Maryland had 2, 089 fatal overdoes last year, a nearly 66 percent increase from the previous year. Governor Hogan has declared a state of emergency in Maryland and CCBC is ready to do its part. The peril is real. Last…

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in Community, Global Education, Partners, Scholarships

Fundraising victory: Successful end of New Beginnings Campaign

As president, I can’t help but think CCBC likes to do things bigger and better, but this time, I think we even surprised ourselves. In 2010, CCBC embarked upon a capital campaign with an ambitious goal of raising $42 million. With community colleges not known for strong fundraising programs, everyone thought it was lofty goal, but I’m a proponent of…

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in Community, Students

No room for bigotry and hate

None of us needs many words to decry the hatred and bigotry on display in the name of nationalism that has been shown across the country. But I feel with great conviction that we at CCBC are in a unique position to do something about it. Each year we touch the lives of some 63,000 students. We give them the…

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