

in Celebrations, Community, Community college, Donors, Equity, higher education, Partners, Scholarships, Students

Empowering Futures: The Transformative Power of Philanthropy in Community Colleges

Years ago, when times were a bit hard, I used to say to my children “It’s OK, we’re tough, we’ll get through this!” This outlook now permeates my role as a community college President who firmly believes that our sector of higher education is a miracle of resilience. We are so used to dealing with the challenge of hard times,…

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in Community, Community college, Equity, High School, higher education, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students, Workforce Development

Dual Enrollment: Earning College Credit in High School

Each year high school students excitedly graduate with the hopes of continuing their academic careers. With this excitement comes a great deal of worry as these students and their families struggle to afford the rising cost of college. However, in many school systems across the country, dual enrollment opportunities allow students to take courses at local community colleges, enabling them…

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in Community, Programs, Scholarships, Students

College Promise is an investment in communities

On June 1, 2019, CCBC will graduate 3,249 students, representing hundreds of new nurses, accountants, educators, counselors, computer technicians, and almost any other profession you might name.  These graduates are well prepared to enter the workplace or move on to one of our four-year partners to finish the credentialing job with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or Ph.D. Our faculty…

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in Business, Community, Events, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students

The making of a “promise”

Some of us returned from spring break to the delightful task of hosting a visit from Dr. Martha Kanter, Director of the National College Promise Campaign.  After our County Executive announced his proposal to fund the Baltimore County College Promise Program, Dr. Kanter proposed a visit to CCBC to give our Promise initiative national visibility as part of the celebration…

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in Community, Global Education, Partners, Scholarships

Fundraising victory: Successful end of New Beginnings Campaign

As president, I can’t help but think CCBC likes to do things bigger and better, but this time, I think we even surprised ourselves. In 2010, CCBC embarked upon a capital campaign with an ambitious goal of raising $42 million. With community colleges not known for strong fundraising programs, everyone thought it was lofty goal, but I’m a proponent of…

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