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So, here’s the thing; I grew up in a different country, the Philippines, so adjusting to the “American life” is hard for this Filipina. It’s like living in a whole new world. Like many other people, connection is something I crave for and being someone who just moved from more than 8,000 miles away in the middle of a pandemic— it’s been hard. It’s like a restart for me. I had to get used to the different way of living, the busyness of the atmosphere, and even the language difference. It’s harder to connect when you’re in a whole new place in the middle of an era where everyone is expected to social distance and if possible, stay at home (which I totally understand). It’s just that you start missing the past: life before the pandemic, your friends from back home, how easy it was to converse, and the pretty beaches and farms you could go to spontaneously because you knew your way around. COVID19 was pretty bad when I got here so, like many others, I spent most of my time indoors with just a few road trips and outings with family friends. Indoors, I rediscovered some of the things I used to love: upcycling clothes and singing! Sounds boring, some might think, but it kept me sane. So far, life here has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but I can’t wait for more. Here’s to more places to see, people to meet, and things to learn. : )


P.S. If you’re new here too, I promise, adjusting is just the first part. You’re not alone! and it gets better : )