Recap! Phi Theta Kappa or PTK is an international honors society that offers you many networking, scholarship, and professional opportunities. Around about two weeks ago, me and Chi Theta, CCBC Essex’s PTK chapter, went on a CCBC-funded trip to New Jersey to attend PTK’s Middle States Regional Convention. On this trip, not only did we learn a great amount of information, but we also built meaningful relationships and connections. If you’ve been debating on becoming a member, this may help you make up your mind!

At the Middle States Regional Convention, to summarize it in a sentence, we learned about Phi Theta Kappa and their future endeavors with the importance of play, were recognized for being a 5-STAR CHAPTER, and met people from Pennsylvania to New Jersey to Delaware! One of my favorite things about the whole experience was that there was a lot of team-building and getting to know other people from other community colleges. Since we were staying at a four-star hotel that had a pool, a game room, and lots of other fun things, we could even hang out with each other during the after-hours of the Phi Theta Kappa sessions.

Phi Theta Kappa’s Middle States Council prepared a lot of fun sessions during the convention. Other than a lot of team-building sessions, we also had general sessions where we were introduced to future PTK plans, important people who’ve made an impact on the organization, and other outstanding community colleges in the Middle States Region. In between these general sessions, we also had what we would call the MSR Marketplace. In this “marketplace”, you would be able to connect with representatives from over twenty colleges to learn about their programs and opportunities specifically for PTK members, and if they were a good fit for you. Finally, some sessions would also focus on self-care, résumé-building, and visualizing your achievements.

Team building while eating some snacks!

Currently, I am the Vice President of Public Relations and Chapter History at Chi Theta. As someone in this position, I’ve contributed to our research projects, promoted the organization, and represented my chapter in regional virtual sessions. Being able to go on this trip was not just random, but something that I was only able to do because I put in time and effort in Chi Theta and their endeavors. With that said, I don’t only encourage being a member— I encourage being an active one. One great way to stay active and be involved is by taking a leadership role in the organization. I want to share that we will be recruiting new officers soon because we, the officers of Chi Theta, will all be graduating this semester. Our next session will be on April 4, 2022, where my fellow officers and I will talk about our experiences.

Team, Work, Building, Puzzle, Pieces, Hands, Four

If you’re interested in that April 4 session, here’s a form that you can fill up in less than a minute so I can send you meeting links! ♡