

in Commencement, Inspiration, Students, Uncategorized

Celebrating the Class of 2020

CCBC’s annual Commencement ceremony is the climax of our academic year.  As such, in spite of the dark days brought on by COVID-19, we are determined to connect this wonderful event not only with our graduates and their families, but also with the broader CCBC community – our supporters, business partners and friends. Commencement is truly the hallmark of the good…

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in Community, Students, Uncategorized

Happy holidays!

Dear Friends, With the holidays now upon us, we may find ourselves feeling nostalgic about cherished time spent with family and friends. As you reminisce about seasons’ past, partake of this year’s festivities, and ponder the possibilities that lie ahead, I wish you abundant happiness and peace during this holiday season. And, I find no better way to end the…

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in Community, Leadership, Uncategorized

I am hooked

I must admit that I am shameless when it comes to never turning down an opportunity to talk about community colleges or about my own college, CCBC.  After 52 years of serving as a community college professional, these institutions are a part of me; that magical “open door” mission is in my blood.  And why would you ever stop doing…

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in Commencement, Events, Students

Commencement is our affirmation

Each year I have the privilege of presiding over CCBC’s Graduation Ceremony held under a massive tent on the lawn of our Essex campus. With a capacity to hold 5,000, the tent overflowed with guests gathered to honor and celebrate their very own graduate, often the first in the family to earn a college degree.  Grandmothers, babies, moms, dads and…

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in Awards, Events, Faculty, Inspiration, Leadership

Honoring longevity

May is a busy month at CCBC.  It marks the end of the academic year but also serves as a time to celebrate:  students, of course, scholars, athletes and leaders, but also our faculty and staff, not just for years of service—for putting in time—but for the real achievement.  To that end, I recently hosted CCBC’s Emeritus Induction Ceremony where we…

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in Awards, Events, Inspiration, Leadership, Students

Celebrating students

Spring is among the best times of the year at any college because almost everyday we get to celebrate students, athletes, scholars, service, honor recipients…all the way up to Commencement.  So it was with both pride and pleasure that I welcomed 400 of our academic elite at the recent Student Awards Banquet.  Here at CCBC we often say that our…

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