

in Community, Community college, Faculty, Inspiration, Jobs

Emeritus Professionals: A Legacy of Wisdom

May is a busy month in the community college world, marking the end of the academic year. It is a time devoted to celebrating not only our students as scholars, athletes and leaders, but also our faculty and staff. To that end, CCBC recently recognized eight retiring colleagues at an annual Emeritus Induction Ceremony where we honored the community college tradition…

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in Celebrations, Community, Community college, Faculty, Inspiration, Jobs, Programs, Students, Workforce Development

National Nurses Week: Honoring Our Heroes of the Heart

Community colleges across the country have joined the American Nurses Association in honoring America’s 5 million registered nurses during National Nurses Week. Given the nature of the community college, I have a favorite phrase that I like to use for moments like these: “Everything we do is workforce development.” I think this is true whether we are educating accountants, cyber…

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in Community, Community college, Faculty, higher education, Inspiration

Community College Journals Reflect a Community of Scholars

Many pedagogical achievements have been born in the prolific incubators of community college classrooms. Faculty and staff have transformed these big ideas about teaching and learning into practical applications now mirrored in community college classrooms across the country. After reading the third volume of CCBC’s own journal, TALES: Teaching and Learning Excellence Through Scholarship, I am reminded of the invaluable…

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in Celebrations, Community, Community college, Diversity, Faculty, higher education, Inspiration, Leadership

Women’s History Month: Leaders in Higher Education

In 1987 as a junior administrator at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland, I spent a week in Phoenix, Arizona at a Leaders Seminar sponsored by the American Association for Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC) under the guidance of two sheros: Dr. Mildred Bulpitt and Dr. Carolyn Desjardins. The strength of that experience lay in the exposure to these two…

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in Business, Community, Community college, Faculty, higher education, Safety, Students

COVID-19: Living with our new reality

Most of us thought that the leadership challenge of deftly handling a pandemic would linger only as a bad memory, a bruising, once in a lifetime moment, something to tell our grandchildren. Fraught with institutional and domestic challenges, COVID-19 has become so much more than that; it has changed the way we live, the way we think and the way…

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in Community, Community college, Equity, Faculty, Inspiration, Jobs, Leadership, Students, Workforce Development

Supporting Our People to Support Our Students

CCBC’s secret weapon is not dollars; it is the talent, skill and commitment of our faculty and staff. With an extraordinary can-do spirit, our people sign on year after year to support the students who walk through our doors. That is how, each year, nearly 13,000 of roughly 50,000 students achieve something important to them and their families: a degree…

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in Awards, Faculty, Inspiration, Leadership, Programs

“High Impact Practices” earns high praise

Every community college president enjoys earning bragging rights when his or her faculty or staff are rewarded with accolades for their good work in classrooms and service areas across the college.  So . . . today is my turn to brag!  The Community College of Baltimore County received the 2022 Bellwether Award in Instructional Programs and Services at the 28th…

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