

in Commemoration, Events

Commemorating 9/11

Today we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 national tragedy.  Although the distance of time and memory has dimmed the shock of that event, throughout this past week commentaries, reflections and images of that infamous day have quietly informed this week’s news stories, jogging memories we might prefer to forget. On September 11, 2001 many of us sat stunned,…

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in Inspiration, Leadership, Students, Uncategorized

Rethink, Re-envision, Reaffirm

One of the finest moments for every college is the first day of the fall semester when bright, energetic faces fill classrooms before spilling out into hallways and campus quadrangles.  It is wonderful to feel the electricity of students back on our campuses again.  Even though we are not yet fully out of the darkness of the pandemic, we start…

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in Uncategorized

Actions influence change

In responding to the guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin, Vice President Kamala Harris sagely noted, “We are all part of the George Floyd legacy, and our job now is to honor it and to honor him.” I want to share with our college community the way in which CCBC will do its part to respond to the Vice President’s challenge…

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in Community, Equity, Events

Assault on democracy

On January 6, many of us watched in disbelief as the U.S. Capitol was desecrated while an unruly mob of our own citizens attempted a coup to overturn the results of a lawful election. It was a dark day for America, no matter your political allegiance. The shocking image of rioters roaming freely through the halls of Congress will leave…

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in Community, Inspiration, Students, Uncategorized

Holiday greetings

For most of us, this year’s holiday season is nothing like any we have ever experienced. It closes out a year filled with apprehension and uncertainty, but one marked by impressively high levels of teamwork, innovation and achievement. If 2020 has shown us anything, it is that our CCBC community is resilient, creative, determined and caring. Most of all, caring….

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in Students

Applauding tutors

College courses are challenging, even under the best circumstances. For students working to conquer new subject areas, understand difficult concepts, or be successful in their first online class experience, a little help can go a long way. During International Tutor Appreciation Week, we celebrate all those who promote student success on a personal level. Tutors work one-on-one with students in…

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in Community, Donors, Leadership

Charting a path to our next normal

In early July, I engaged a group of CCBC’s major donors in a virtual conversation about the impact of COVID-19 on the college.  My message was similar to those regularly shared with faculty and staff – reflecting upon how far we’ve come since shutting down due to the pandemic, where we currently are and where we hope to go as…

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