Howdy Folks,
Your favorite part about spring semester is almost here! Spring break is in four days, and I’m willing to bet that almost all of you have plans. I know the weather is still dreary and cold but spring break really is around the corner. Cling to the hope of future beautiful weather!!
Spring Break is a great time to hang out with your friends and enjoy yourself.
So here I am playing adult again, telling you what to watch out for, how to have a great time and how not to wind up on the evening news. We all know what the typical “college” spring break is; I don’t have to lay it out for you. But what you do on spring break, and subsequently post on social media, can have LIFELONG consequences. Think about how your actions will represent yourself, your school and your family.
Opt for low-key fun – i.e. rather than going crazy on the beach for thousands of people to see, have a good time in a more private area. Don’t try to be the craziest person, don’t try to show up your friends, don’t be an idiot. I watched the videos of spring breakers on Panama City Beach last year and thought about how everyone who was interviewed would be on the internet forever for their parents, future employers and future CHILDREN to see. Would you want your children to see your spring break antics of 2017? Doubtful.
- Tone down your social media this next week, and not just on Snap chat. We all have this “I have to prove that my spring break was cooler than yours” mentality, but posting all of your wild pictures on Instagram will likely reflect poorly on you. You should be able to return to school/work and not be embarrassed of what your friends or employers saw.
- And the most important tip: Be safe in regards to alcohol or other substances. Just please obey the law and don’t go overboard. Every year, people die of alcohol poisoning, and spring break is just a week where that is amplified.
So have fun!!!, but come back to good ol’ CCBC in one piece. Best believe professors have deliverables due the very following Monday.