

in Celebrations, Community, Community college, Faculty, Inspiration, Jobs, Programs, Students, Workforce Development

National Nurses Week: Honoring Our Heroes of the Heart

Community colleges across the country have joined the American Nurses Association in honoring America’s 5 million registered nurses during National Nurses Week. Given the nature of the community college, I have a favorite phrase that I like to use for moments like these: “Everything we do is workforce development.” I think this is true whether we are educating accountants, cyber…

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in Community college, Programs, Students, Uncategorized

Take a commercial break

Many of us think of commercials as a time to get up from the couch to grab something to drink and a bag of chips before Downton Abbey or the last episode of Game of Thrones resumes.  CCBC commercials, however, strike a note worth heeding. We are not selling jewelry or potato peelers; instead, we are selling “futures.” CCBC College…

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in Celebrations, Health care, Workforce Development

Angels in comfortable shoes

Nurses across America have been officially recognized and celebrated for over 40 years.  Nurses Day has morphed into Nurses Week, and this year has extended into a month-long celebration focusing on the theme of “Nurses make a difference.” From an international perspective, the theme grows even larger:  “Nurses:  a voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to…

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in Business, Community, Events, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students

The making of a “promise”

Some of us returned from spring break to the delightful task of hosting a visit from Dr. Martha Kanter, Director of the National College Promise Campaign.  After our County Executive announced his proposal to fund the Baltimore County College Promise Program, Dr. Kanter proposed a visit to CCBC to give our Promise initiative national visibility as part of the celebration…

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