

in Community, Community college, Equity, Faculty, Inspiration, Jobs, Leadership, Students, Workforce Development

Supporting Our People to Support Our Students

CCBC’s secret weapon is not dollars; it is the talent, skill and commitment of our faculty and staff. With an extraordinary can-do spirit, our people sign on year after year to support the students who walk through our doors. That is how, each year, nearly 13,000 of roughly 50,000 students achieve something important to them and their families: a degree…

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in Community, Community college, higher education, Jobs, Students, Workforce Development

A New Academic Year: “An Extraordinary Time for Transformation”

As we welcome students, faculty and staff back to our campuses, a thrill of renewal – both of purpose and engagement – fills every classroom, every office and every hallway. For a few weeks at least, we will be imbued with the joy and the energy that comes from the launch of a new academic year. As is my wont,…

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in Community, Community college, Equity, Jobs, Partners, Programs, Students, Workforce Development

Breaking the Student Debt Cycle: One Student; Two Institutions; One Experience

The collective student loan debt in the United States stands at a whopping $1.75 trillion. Many students who might like to earn a college degree are put off by the rising cost of tuition and the resultant dread of mounting student debt. Voting with their feet, they demand a reevaluation of higher education to create a sustainable and affordable pathway…

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in Community, Community college, Equity, High School, higher education, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students, Workforce Development

Dual Enrollment: Earning College Credit in High School

Each year high school students excitedly graduate with the hopes of continuing their academic careers. With this excitement comes a great deal of worry as these students and their families struggle to afford the rising cost of college. However, in many school systems across the country, dual enrollment opportunities allow students to take courses at local community colleges, enabling them…

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in Celebrations, Commemoration, Commencement, Community college, Events, Inspiration, Students, Uncategorized

CCBC commemorates the Class of 2023

Commencement is the high point of the year for any academic institution and a tradition CCBC is honored to uphold. More than that, Commencement is the return on a promise, a commitment to support and encourage our graduating students well beyond the moment. I speak for all CCBC faculty, administrators, advisors, tutors, counselors, payroll clerks and staff at every level…

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in Community, Community college, Holiday, Uncategorized

Have a joyful and fulfilling Thanksgiving

How satisfying to celebrate Thanksgiving almost free of the constraints that have held our holidays captive for the past two and one-half years! While many are still cautious, most of us will gather for Thanksgiving dinner without masks, hand sanitizers, and measured 6’ distances. The “Zoom” Thanksgiving dinner will finally become a memory to chuckle over in Thanksgivings to come.  And so…

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in Commemoration, Community, Community college, Veterans

Honoring our veterans

This year Election Day and Veterans Day fall within days of each other, bookending the week with powerful imagery that each day offers independently but which links them inextricably together.  On November 8, even in the midst of a divisive and toxic political environment, Election Day reassured us—everyday Americans that we are—that we have the power to define or redefine…

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