

in Celebrations, Commemoration, Commencement, Community college, Events, Inspiration, Students, Uncategorized

CCBC commemorates the Class of 2023

Commencement is the high point of the year for any academic institution and a tradition CCBC is honored to uphold. More than that, Commencement is the return on a promise, a commitment to support and encourage our graduating students well beyond the moment. I speak for all CCBC faculty, administrators, advisors, tutors, counselors, payroll clerks and staff at every level…

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in Awards, Faculty, Inspiration, Leadership, Programs

“High Impact Practices” earns high praise

Every community college president enjoys earning bragging rights when his or her faculty or staff are rewarded with accolades for their good work in classrooms and service areas across the college.  So . . . today is my turn to brag!  The Community College of Baltimore County received the 2022 Bellwether Award in Instructional Programs and Services at the 28th…

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in Celebrations, Inspiration

A thoughtful and thankful Thanksgiving

I write to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.  The pandemic remains a factor in our lives, but far less than last year when many of our Thanksgiving dinners were enjoyed with family members via zoom, rather than in person. Now that we are more in hybrid mode and slowly feeling our way back into sociability, I encourage each of…

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in Inspiration, Leadership, Students, Uncategorized

Rethink, Re-envision, Reaffirm

One of the finest moments for every college is the first day of the fall semester when bright, energetic faces fill classrooms before spilling out into hallways and campus quadrangles.  It is wonderful to feel the electricity of students back on our campuses again.  Even though we are not yet fully out of the darkness of the pandemic, we start…

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in Commencement, Events, Inspiration, Students

Congratulations Class of 2021

For the past two years, I have missed the experience of seeing our graduates’ smiling faces gathered under the huge tent at CCBC Essex. Surrounded by friends and family, it was always an impressive sight to behold. While the sights and sounds of our in-person commencement couldn’t truly be replicated, we still celebrated with the same spirit, energy and zest…

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in Community, Inspiration, Students, Uncategorized

Holiday greetings

For most of us, this year’s holiday season is nothing like any we have ever experienced. It closes out a year filled with apprehension and uncertainty, but one marked by impressively high levels of teamwork, innovation and achievement. If 2020 has shown us anything, it is that our CCBC community is resilient, creative, determined and caring. Most of all, caring….

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in Events, Inspiration

Commemorating 9/11

On September 11, 2001 many of us sat stunned, huddled by our radios or in front of television screens, listening to news of the unimaginable. The World Trade Center in New York City had been attacked!  On that day—and the days that followed—we truly believed that nothing in our lifetimes would ever equal this disruption to our world…and we would…

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