
higher education

in Celebrations, Community, Community college, Events, higher education, Jobs, Leadership, Partners, Programs, Students, Workforce Development

The Inaugural Introduction of the New White House National Cyber Director

As the always proud President of the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC), I stood even prouder last week as our college hosted a special event for the inaugural speech of the new White House National Cyber Director, Mr. Harry Coker. As this was the first time in CCBC’s 65 years that our college has been asked to host a…

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in Business, Community, Community college, Faculty, higher education, Safety, Students

COVID-19: Living with our new reality

Most of us thought that the leadership challenge of deftly handling a pandemic would linger only as a bad memory, a bruising, once in a lifetime moment, something to tell our grandchildren. Fraught with institutional and domestic challenges, COVID-19 has become so much more than that; it has changed the way we live, the way we think and the way…

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in Business, Community, Community college, Equity, Events, higher education, Partners, Programs, Students

CCBC Partners with Comcast to Bridge the Digital Divide

On Thursday, September 7th I hosted a press conference to announce the launch of a Digital Navigator Program Supported by a $150,000 grant from Comcast. This program will connect trained students – Digital Navigators – with other CCBC students and Baltimore-area residents to help them access the internet, use devices, and obtain skills to bridge the digital divide. But the…

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in Community, Community college, higher education, Jobs, Students, Workforce Development

A New Academic Year: “An Extraordinary Time for Transformation”

As we welcome students, faculty and staff back to our campuses, a thrill of renewal – both of purpose and engagement – fills every classroom, every office and every hallway. For a few weeks at least, we will be imbued with the joy and the energy that comes from the launch of a new academic year. As is my wont,…

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in Community, Community college, Equity, High School, higher education, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students, Workforce Development

Dual Enrollment: Earning College Credit in High School

Each year high school students excitedly graduate with the hopes of continuing their academic careers. With this excitement comes a great deal of worry as these students and their families struggle to afford the rising cost of college. However, in many school systems across the country, dual enrollment opportunities allow students to take courses at local community colleges, enabling them…

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in Community, Community college, Diversity, higher education, Students, Uncategorized

Community colleges bring equity to higher education

The role of community colleges in bringing equity to higher education is all the more crucial after the Supreme Court‘s ruling against affirmative action. Community colleges remain proud pillars of access to all students, regardless of race, age, gender or other potentially segregating elements. In the July 9 edition of The Baltimore Banner, my comments on the Supreme Court’s ruling…

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