This week I had the privilege of experiencing the induction of new members into the Chi Theta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. It was crazy to think that just a year ago I was being inducted as a member and as Vice President of Public Relations. The past year really flew by faster than I had expected and it put a lot into perspective.
When I first was inducted into PTK I would’ve never thought I would be the person I am today. To go back even further, when I first started CCBC I never would have guessed the experience I would have here. I’ve only been at CCBC for two years, and the different transformations that have occurred are what I’ll always remember.
The beautiful thing about time is that nothing lasts forever. And this is all so cliche but I’m really starting to appreciate it all. The good, the bad, and the in-between. This is a mindset that is frustrating at times because sometimes it feels like the good stuff is so short, and the bad stuff lasts an eternity.
Within these last two years, I’ve experienced so many ups and downs in my life. Some days it felt like more downs than ups. But moments like the PTK Induction really helped me reflect on how far I’ve come in just a year. To remember to enjoy the sweet moments and ponder on them when I’m riding rough waves. To allow myself to grow as a person and enjoy the beauty of time.
Congratulations to all of our new inductees! I hope you remember to enjoy every step in your journey.
Here are a few images from the Induction Ceremony:
Congratulations!! to Phi Theta Kapa