The final curtain has been called on our production of August Wilson’s Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, we sincerely hope you enjoyed the show! Read on to learn a bit more about the cast and their characters, we’re also happy to include the stage manager!
HAROLD LOOMIS | Isaiah Evans
Describe your character, how is your character most like you? most different?
Herald Loomis is HUMAN. He is a man on a mission, he is a man that is bound. He has been dealt a bad hand and is just trying to make sense of the world and it literally is tearing him apart. Even though the character is short spoken he’s constantly crying out, a wounded animal so to speak. He bound himself to the past, to the world he knew, and spent 3 1/2 years searching, prowling, reaching for that world.
I am like Mr. Loomis, I have moments where I am so focused, so motivated that I lose sight of how I’m impacting those around me. I am human, I’m an emotional creature I have experienced wrath and like Mr. Loomis have been consumed by it.
The biggest difference between Mr. Loomis and I would be experience. He’s been through more. Herald Loomis is 30 he was married had a child was kidnapped, enslaved, betrayed. He’s been to hell and back.
JEREMY FURLOW | Bryce Williams
Jeremy is a proficient guitar player who carries himself with confidence, giving “the impression that he has the world in his hand, that he can meet life’s challenges head on.” How do you relate to this? (i.e. are you really good at something that gives you confidence?)
I don’t personally think I related to Jeremy, he was definitely different from me because he just has more confidence in everything he do. I’m really good at something that gives me confidence and that is acting, I really enjoy performing it brings joy to me.
What do you admire most about your character? dislike most?
I admire my character for just having so much confidence he has when it comes to women and on the fact that believes that he is talented guitar player that will make his living from guitar playing. What I dislike about my character is how he don’t think as an man when he gets into situations like when he lost his job over fifty cents, he didn’t come to realize that he needs money to live in the boarding home.
Wave your magic wand, what show would you do next? why?
I don’t particularly have a show in mind that I want to be in next but I can’t wait for another opportunity to come around for me to audition for another show, theatre is my passion.
BYNUM WALKER | Devin Githara-Pipkin
Describe your character, how is your character most like you? most different?
I believe that my character Bynum is very misunderstood. To others in the play, he just a old man who talks a lot and does weird stuff but Bynum sees life in everything he does. He values the idea of the relationships between nature and humans and how it all intertwines together to make the true essence of life.
I believe the character is most like me because I sometimes feel misunderstood and feel like I’m on the outside living my life and enjoying while others are inside. It can be scary yet thrilling place to be in. I think I’m different from the character by the age difference. Bynum Walker is 65 years of age and I’m 20 so it’s hard to make up for that age difference on stage.
What to admire most about your character? dislike most?
What I admire most about my character is his imaginative mind. He see things and he talks about these things that give you such a vivid imagery. It’s breathtaking. The thing I hate most about my character is the so called “voodoo magic.” As I really began to know my character, I started to realize that voodoo magic is what the people perceive it as but in reality, Bynum is just a man who can see and understand life out of every little thing no matter how insignificant it might seem to others. There’s no magic involved.
Your character, Bynum, believes everyone has a song, what is yours?
I believe my song comes from my roots. It comes from my mom and my family. My foundation. My mother and my sister are my inspiration for things I do so they make up my song. My sister passed away tragically May, 3, 2018 and my mother was single parent who raised us both. They are my motivation for me to keep on going. That’s who I’m bound to for better or for worse. That’s my song.
Wave your magic wand, what show would you do next? why?
The next show I would do next. I have no clue! This was my first show ever so I’m still excited about that. This is also my last semester at CCBC, I transfer to Towson in the Fall so if I get a chance to be in another play, I would definitely take it. More interested for stuff behind the scenes. The writing, the tech work, and the lights.
RUTHERFORD SELIG | Daniel Poletynski
How do you relate to Rutherford Selig as being a “people finder”? Have you helped anyone who’s been searching for someone, something?
Rutherford Selig isn’t a “people finder” so much as a tab keeper. He’s never found anyone that he’s never taken away. Selig let’s people hitch a ride with him to different places, then charges a fee for bringing them back. I wouldn’t say I relate to Selig so much as I understand the kind of person he is. He’d grown up looking at black people like walking paychecks. He always believed himself to be better than them but he never felt hatred for them. I’ve had experience with people like that, the kind that only felt they were better because of the way they were born.
What do you admire most about your character? dislike most?
If there’s one thing I honestly admire about my character, its his pride. Here we are, 1911, slavery’s over with (at least legally speaking) and here he is taking such pride in his heritage even though he’s seen what that heritage has done to other people. And in that, is probably what I dislike most about him. The fact that he makes his living off of other people’s pain and struggle, and doesn’t care at all about it. Because he can’t see it as being wrong.
Wave your magic wand, what show would you do next? why?
I would honestly take any show that anyone’s willing to cast me in. I’m not picky.
Your character, Mattie Campbell, seems to be looking for her happiness and her identity in others, especially her relationships with men. How do you relate to this? or not? why?
My character Mattie Campbell is looking for love in all the wrong places. She is looking for acceptance in men who do not feel the same way. I relate to this character because we all are searching for acceptances. It could be our family, friends, and co workers and so on.
What to admire most about your character? dislike most?
What I admire about my Mattie is she never gives up hope in finding her true love. There is a sense of hope for her to continue to go on. What I dislike about my character is she choosing the wrong men to be with. I wish she would look for certain qualities in a man she wants to have.
Wave your magic wand, what show would you do next? why?
The next show I would love to do next would be mystery because I love mystery. And I think it would be really cool to be apart of.
Your character, Molly Cunningham, is not interested in settling down with anyone, probably because of her past experiences. How do you relate to this? or not? why?
I actually can not relate to Molly’s character EXCEPT for the fact that she’s God Fearing & A Mommys Girl ahahaha!
What to admire most about your character? dislike most?
In all honesty playing Molly is very interesting because I step completely out of who I am to become someone I’m definitely not. Molly goes through a lot hence her tough attitude (which may be another thing I can relate to within reason lol). Molly Cunningham is beautiful and I believe with the proper guidance she could’ve been way more than what the author intended for her to be. But hey, it’s life and no ones story is perfect.
Wave your magic wand, what show would you do next? why?
I would do any play as long as it doesn’t require kissing or nudity lol otherwise I’m completely up for the challenge.
Your character, Martha, says “Life don’t mean nothing unless it got a meaning. ” What do you think she means by this? Do you believe this, why or why not?
When my character Martha says “Life don’t mean nothing unless it got a meaning.” It means that you have to be something in life. Meaning you have to accomplish, hope, learn, and fail sometimes too. But when you fail overcome from it. Live your life and actually gain from it. Just don’t exist in this world.
What do you admire most about your character? dislike most?
What I admire the most from Martha is her independence and faith in God. What I dislike is forcefully putting her faith on someone. I believe in leading someone to find their own spirituality not just forcing what you believe on the next person. But in her mind she is trying to lead Loomis to the “right” direction. That is the right thing to do in her mind.
Wave your magic wand, what show would you do next? why?
I’m not sure what show I would do next. I would like to do a musical. A musical number. A very flashy production. I’m not sure what play. But I’m open to the next.
How and why did you become involved with this production?
I became involved in this production by discussing internship opportunities with Mr. Ambrose. He told me there is a Stage Management internship at CCBC. Specifically, he mentioned to me that there was an opportunity to be a Stage Manager for the Joe Turner’s Come and Gone production. I thought this was a great opportunity, so I pursued this further with Mr. Ambrose. I became a part of this production for the exposure and experience as a stage manager. During my time as a theatre major at CCBC, I have grown more interested in the backstage aspects of theatre and thought this would be a great way to experience all of the aspects of the management of the production.
What is most challenging in your role as stage manager?
The most challenging role as a Stage Manager is maintaining positive energy with the cast and crew. I am so lucky to have an amazing cast and crew who made my job easy. Everyone works well with each other. We have become one big family.
Considering this theatre production, what role would you be most happy, least happy to perform? why?
I love Harold Loomis’ character because there is a deep back story. However, he is a male role so I likely wouldn’t be able to play that role. I feel the least connected to Bertha. I think her character would be challenging because I don’t fully understand the dynamics of a long-term marriage.
What are your goals for your future in theatre?
My future and goals in the theatre industry are to continue to have opportunities to either have a role in a play or have a crew member position. I personally just like the atmosphere of theater and would be happy to be a part of the production in anyway.