My name is Jonna, short for Jonna Paula Andrea L. Nunez. I’m from Baltimore County but before anyone annoys me with the question, “where are you REALLY from?” I was born in the Philippines. In 2015, I graduated from CCBC with a degree in General Studies and transferred to the University of Maryland, College Park where I earned a degree in Accounting (Yes, it can be boring. No, i don’t hate it… yet).
What am I doing back at CCBC? Long story short, a Certified Public Accountant license requires more credits than a normal college graduate has. When I learned this, I thought of no smarter move than coming back to what became a home.
If I could go back, I’d slap my high school self for thinking less of myself for not going straight to a university.
CCBC was a blast and we need to crush all the negative preconceived notions about community colleges. My first time around, I played on the Essex Volleyball team (GO KNIGHTS!), served as an Ambassador, recruited for the Honors Program, and worked on Phi Theta Kappa projects. This time around, I’ve aged out of the volleyball team but I stay involved with the Honors Program and serve as an Intern for College Communications.
As I wait to start my Accounting career with my dream firm in August, I’m keeping myself well-rounded (and sane) by taking classes that have absolutely nothing to do with Accounting (or do they?). This is leading to great self-discovery. Turns out, I love Sociology, have a knack for Digital Media Production, and I’m so out-of-shape I can barely keep up in swimming class.
This is my first time blogging and I’m certainly not a writer, but my mantra is to fake it till I become it! Since this is my ~actual~ last semester at CCBC, I’m hoping to bring my experience full-circle with the blogs and videos I help create as an intern. My only other hope is that I come across more humorous than sassy and self-deprecating on my blogs… unless you like sass and self-deprecation.
YOU CAN ASK ME ABOUT: accounting, transferring, UMD, CCBC Honors Program, and all things social media (IG is my fave).