

in Celebrations, Commemoration, Diversity, Equity, Events

Honoring Juneteenth

In celebration of Juneteenth, I started with a poignant statement from President Biden:  “Nations don’t ignore their most painful moments.  They confront them to grow stronger.” In honoring the recently minted holiday of Juneteenth, that is the sentiment we carried forward during our recognition. We celebrated the end of slavery in the United States in 1865, more than two years…

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in Celebrations, Community, Diversity, Equity

Celebrating Black History Month

CCBC is a college that strives to live its commitment to diversity by counting inclusion among its core institutional values.  Over the past two years, ravaged by two distinctly different pandemics – one, a virus and the other, an awakening to social justice, it is more important than ever for us to sustain our commitment to celebrating our broad definition…

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in Diversity, Equity, Leadership

Diversity: more than a buzz word

At CCBC, diversity isn’t just a buzz word or something the tenor of the times has forced us to embrace. It is an innate part of our “open door” mission. CCBC is now a minority-majority institution. We are a college that not only lives its mission, CCBC loves its mission. Although we already do more than many when it comes…

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in Uncategorized

Actions influence change

In responding to the guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin, Vice President Kamala Harris sagely noted, “We are all part of the George Floyd legacy, and our job now is to honor it and to honor him.” I want to share with our college community the way in which CCBC will do its part to respond to the Vice President’s challenge…

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