
community college

in Diversity, Equity, Leadership

Diversity: more than a buzz word

At CCBC, diversity isn’t just a buzz word or something the tenor of the times has forced us to embrace. It is an innate part of our “open door” mission. CCBC is now a minority-majority institution. We are a college that not only lives its mission, CCBC loves its mission. Although we already do more than many when it comes…

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in Uncategorized

Actions influence change

In responding to the guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin, Vice President Kamala Harris sagely noted, “We are all part of the George Floyd legacy, and our job now is to honor it and to honor him.” I want to share with our college community the way in which CCBC will do its part to respond to the Vice President’s challenge…

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in Community, Donors, Leadership

Charting a path to our next normal

In early July, I engaged a group of CCBC’s major donors in a virtual conversation about the impact of COVID-19 on the college.  My message was similar to those regularly shared with faculty and staff – reflecting upon how far we’ve come since shutting down due to the pandemic, where we currently are and where we hope to go as…

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in Community, Uncategorized

A Time for Reflection; A Time for Action

Our country is at a tipping point. The senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many African-American men and women is a reflection of the racial prejudice and injustice that continues to exist throughout our nation. While we cannot directly influence what happens in Minneapolis, Louisville or Brunswick, we can, and will, positively impact our…

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in Commencement, Inspiration, Students, Uncategorized

Celebrating the Class of 2020

CCBC’s annual Commencement ceremony is the climax of our academic year.  As such, in spite of the dark days brought on by COVID-19, we are determined to connect this wonderful event not only with our graduates and their families, but also with the broader CCBC community – our supporters, business partners and friends. Commencement is truly the hallmark of the good…

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in Community, Students, Uncategorized

Happy holidays!

Dear Friends, With the holidays now upon us, we may find ourselves feeling nostalgic about cherished time spent with family and friends. As you reminisce about seasons’ past, partake of this year’s festivities, and ponder the possibilities that lie ahead, I wish you abundant happiness and peace during this holiday season. And, I find no better way to end the…

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