
associate degree

in Community, Community college, higher education, Jobs, Students, Workforce Development

A New Academic Year: “An Extraordinary Time for Transformation”

As we welcome students, faculty and staff back to our campuses, a thrill of renewal – both of purpose and engagement – fills every classroom, every office and every hallway. For a few weeks at least, we will be imbued with the joy and the energy that comes from the launch of a new academic year. As is my wont,…

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in Community, Community college, Equity, High School, higher education, Partners, Programs, Scholarships, Students, Workforce Development

Dual Enrollment: Earning College Credit in High School

Each year high school students excitedly graduate with the hopes of continuing their academic careers. With this excitement comes a great deal of worry as these students and their families struggle to afford the rising cost of college. However, in many school systems across the country, dual enrollment opportunities allow students to take courses at local community colleges, enabling them…

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in Community college, Programs, Students, Uncategorized

Take a commercial break

Many of us think of commercials as a time to get up from the couch to grab something to drink and a bag of chips before Downton Abbey or the last episode of Game of Thrones resumes.  CCBC commercials, however, strike a note worth heeding. We are not selling jewelry or potato peelers; instead, we are selling “futures.” CCBC College…

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in Business, Jobs, Workforce Development

When a bachelor’s degree is no longer required

We at CCBC are quite aware that when we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic we cannot be the college we were two years ago.  Many business and industry partners as well as Maryland’s Governor Hogan have already implemented policies to eliminate the four-year degree requirement for thousands of jobs.  The new policy acknowledges that many potential employees may have obtained…

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