CCBC is an institution that holds diversity, equity and inclusion as a core value. But good words are not enough.  Words are ephemeral, quickly forgotten.  It is action that can influence change for generations at CCBC and we choose action.

That is why the college is deeply committed to being purposeful about its equity agenda. We are laying out a clear direction for concrete, impactful engagement that looks at everything from reviewing our business and hiring practices to implementing academic reform to closing retention and completion gaps, especially among our students of color.

Sadly, for too many years, CCBC’s retention and completion data clearly shows African-American men virtually flatlining at the bottom of every performance measurement graph.  A 22% retention rate is simply not acceptable.

In the spirit of our mantra of taking actions that matter, CCBC is recommitting to its Male Student Success Initiative (MSSI).  MSSI is a mentoring program aimed at leadership development, academic enrichment and retention of minority males at CCBC.   We are investing in this program to improve persistence and graduation rates among male students of color while also enhancing students’ awareness of culture and self-identity.

Although the MSSI program is not new, we realize a significant investment of time, money and staff is needed now to achieve the promise the program holds for African-American males and all CCBC male students of color.

This new video tells the story and captures the true essence of the MSSI program. I encourage you to watch and hear experiences from students past and present.