Academic Progression

For too many decades the debate over entry into practice created a divide between associate and bachelor’s degree nursing faculty, hindering any substantive nursing education reform.  Two landmark publications by the IOM (2011) and Benner et al. (2010), together with compelling research that links a higher BSN workforce to better patient outcomes (Aiken et al., 2003), have provided the impetus to act. At last, educators recognize that by embracing the richness of both ADN and BSN education programs, they can forge effective, inclusive partnerships that can help achieve the IOM’s 80% BSN by 2020 recommendation.  Affordable ADN-BSN partnership education models also serve to improve access to the BSN credential and contribute to a more diverse nursing workforce.

CCBC’s ATB Nursing Degree Option in partnership with Frostburg State, Notre Dame of Maryland, Stevenson and Towson Universities is one example of an innovative dual enrollment nursing education model.  It is a time and cost effective model that is providing access to the BSN credential to a whole new population of students, many of whom are eager to embrace this opportunity.

Former student communicates the benefits of ATB

“Before I knew about the ATB program, my career plan was to earn an Associate’s Degree in Nursing, then find a job and save money to be able to return to college in a few years to earn my Bachelor’s Degree. So, for me, the biggest benefit is that because of the ATB program, I do not have to worry about my long, drawn-out plan that I previously had. The ATB program allows me to earn my Bachelor’s Degree more quickly so I have more job opportunities and if I still decide to save money to go back to school, I can work on my Master’s Degree since I will already have my Bachelor’s. Another benefit is that since we have school during Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, our minds can stay more active and into our program than if we were to have breaks in between.”