Emerging from the pivotal events of the Stonewall Riots in June 1969, Pride Month stands as a powerful testament to unity. It has evolved into various expressions from vibrant displays to poignant rallies that honor the resilience and advocacy of figures like James Baldwin who once said, “Everybody’s journey is individual.”

An image that reads "Pride Month" with a rainbow in the background.

At CCBC, we join our community college colleagues in celebrating this individuality by coming together as a single entity dedicated to cultivating safe, inclusive spaces for students, faculty and staff, including our LGBTQ+ community members. Our college’s Committee for LGBTQ+ Advocacy, Support, and Inclusion (CLASI) plays a pivotal role in advancing our pledge to embrace diversity in all its forms. From preserving LGBTQ+ histories to advocating for inclusive policies, CLASI exemplifies our dedication to creating a community where everyone can thrive.

Like most community colleges, at CCBC our student body is a microcosm of the communities we serve. When we celebrate our diversity with the proud assertion that “Every One of Us Counts,” we are not just mouthing platitudes. Unless the words diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging have real community meaning, celebrating Pride Month is just tinsel on the tree, acknowledgment without conviction.

Universal respect for the diversity within our communities must fundamentally live in the walls of the institution and not just on the pages of the strategic plan. Pride Month provides yet another opportunity to deepen our understanding and to celebrate the myriad ways in which our differences enrich our collective experience. In the melting pot that has almost always been America, our diversity is our greatest source of strength. We joyfully salute all the members of our CCBC LGBTQ+ community.

Happy Pride!