in Diversity, Leadership, Retention, Students

The risk that paid off

I recently had the privilege of being David Pluviose’s guest on Diverse magazine’s “In the Margins” podcast titled “The risk that paid off.”  Through a series of thoughtful questions, David gave me an opportunity to talk about the Community College of Baltimore County’s unique approach to operating and succeeding in spite of COVID-19. In our conversation, David and I ran…

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in Celebrations, Community, Diversity, Equity

Celebrating Black History Month

CCBC is a college that strives to live its commitment to diversity by counting inclusion among its core institutional values.  Over the past two years, ravaged by two distinctly different pandemics – one, a virus and the other, an awakening to social justice, it is more important than ever for us to sustain our commitment to celebrating our broad definition…

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in Community, Leadership, Students

The reality of COVID-19

Just when we began to think that we might finally be able to focus on the everyday cares of the college, the Omicron spike came crashing through the holiday, reminding us of how important it is to manage and control the impact of this demonic bug.  A recent headline for a Baltimore Sun article shared an appropriate bit of conventional…

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in Celebrations, Inspiration

A thoughtful and thankful Thanksgiving

I write to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.  The pandemic remains a factor in our lives, but far less than last year when many of our Thanksgiving dinners were enjoyed with family members via zoom, rather than in person. Now that we are more in hybrid mode and slowly feeling our way back into sociability, I encourage each of…

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in Celebrations, Community, Programs, Uncategorized

Honoring our veterans

Each November, I am struck by the proximity between Veterans Day and the two fall events which precede it:  the anniversary of 9/11 and Election Day.  The extra special nature of 9/11 this year was the celebration of the 20th anniversary of an American catastrophe turned into American triumph.  Election Day, as it always does, reassures us – everyday Americans…

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in Diversity, Equity, Retention, Students

Supporting male students of color

CCBC is an institution that holds diversity, equity and inclusion as a core value. But good words are not enough.  Words are ephemeral, quickly forgotten.  It is action that can influence change for generations at CCBC and we choose action. That is why the college is deeply committed to being purposeful about its equity agenda. We are laying out a…

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