This is April, the month in which we celebrate Earth Day. CCBC faculty and staff have long been enthusiasts for—and advocates of—caring for the earth and the environment. In 2008, we took a strong first step towards solidifying college-wide enthusiasm for sustainability when I signed, on the college’s behalf, the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. Through this agreement, we pledged CCBC’s intent to commit our resources and energy to actively care for our little corner of the planet. After 11 years of continuous “sustainable” activity, the results have been remarkable.
Thanks to the good work of many faculty and staff, recycling efforts have included the college-wide introduction of green cleaning methods, hybrid and electric vehicles and energy conservation on a massive scale. Additionally, yards and yards of solar panels have been installed across all campuses. These efforts have prompted faculty, students and staff across the college to examine their consumption habits to find ways to save money, energy and natural resources. Through initiatives such as single stream recycling, holiday energy conservation, using technology to replace traditional paper processes and more, CCBC has gained significant ground in reducing the college’s carbon footprint. In addition, all new construction is aimed towards achieving LEED “silver” status and all facility upgrade projects and renovations are tweaked to become as “green” as they can be.
At CCBC, sustainability drives across the work of all areas: Administration, Students Services, Instruction and Advancement. When it comes to sustainability, CCBC is “all in!”